True Amazing Dreams Appear!
True Amazing Dreams Appear!
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The advancements of Black people has been breathtaking. The resilience of a people sabotaged, blocked, and or deferred so often it is remarkable for what has been achieved. Each month reflects on a milestone of advancement and how that forward movement is a practice of at least one of the Nguzo Saba, the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa. Granted Kwanzaa was not created until 1966, but the principles are ancient and universal.
A special feature for this calendar is the use of QR codes. Each code is linked to an article, video, or website of the month’s theme.
Dr. Jacqui Lewis
Layla A Jones, Writer
Harriet Tubman
Ida B Wells
Maggie L Walker
Marcus Garvey
Eleanor Roosevelt
Rosa Parks
Kwame Nkrumah
James Brown
Pamela T Morgan
President Barack Obama